Healthy Recipes

Le kit supplément pour les coureurs
Félix DaigleMay 30, 2024
There are many ways to improve running performance for those who want to. Whether it's implementing a runner-specific training program, having a running routine aimed at progression, getting equipment to improve comfort and performance (smartwatch, cap, water bottle belt, etc.) or exploring the world of supplements: that's what we're going to talk about today!
Mythes & réalités sur les suppléments et produits naturels pour enfants
Félix DaigleMay 30, 2024
Il est important de souligner que si votre enfant a une alimentation variée et équilibrée, il devrait normalement obtenir tous les nutriments essentiels à travers son régime alimentaire, à l'exception de la vitamine D qui est souvent prescrite dès la naissance dans de nombreuses régions, notamment en Amérique du Nord et dans les pays nordiques. Cependant, la supplémentation peut devenir nécessaire si votre enfant ne consomme pas suffisamment de certains aliments, ce qui pourrait entraîner des carences nutritionnelles ayant un impact sur son développement.
Les suppléments parfaits pour les débutants en entraînement
Félix DaigleApr 30, 2024
In today's society, where we often lack the time to prepare perfectly balanced meals, supplements can be a great help in optimizing our training results. They'll ensure you don't have any deficiencies, meet your macronutrient targets and counteract some of the adverse effects of stress and our fast-paced lifestyles.
L'ashwagandha et ses bienfaits
Félix DaigleApr 30, 2024
Ashwa-what? Ashwagandha is a multi-benefit adaptogenic herb that is becoming increasingly popular in the world of supplements. Known for its soothing and adaptogenic properties, ashwagandha offers an interesting solution for managing stress and improving hormonal health.
Le Guide 101 de la Créatine : Tout ce que vous devez savoir !
Félix DaigleMar 28, 2024
Creatine, a widely studied and safe supplement, can play an interesting role in your muscle recovery and therefore your physical results!
Grossesse et supplémentation : Quelles sont les recommandations et que faut-il éviter?
Félix DaigleFeb 22, 2024
Are you pregnant or planning to get pregnant soon? Are you wondering which supplements you should take during your pregnancy and which ones to avoid? This article is for you! The world of supplements is already complex enough, so add to that the need to unpack what's safe and what's not during pregnancy. Phew! We've got you covered.