Citrulline + Malate 2:1 300G
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MALAT CITRULLINE improves training intensity, endurance and recovery speed.
It fulfils these functions through 5 main functions:
- Increases blood arginine levels (gram for gram at double the arginine level).
- Increases endothelial nitric oxide (NO) levels, thereby improving vascular function and blood flow.
- Enhances bicarbonate reabsorption by the kidneys, providing a powerful buffer against increased muscle acidification during intense training.
- Detoxifies fatigued muscle tissue by eliminating ammonia (a toxin which can increase 3-fold during intense training).
- Rapidly replenishes PCr (phospho-creatine) reserves, PCr being a key energy store used by muscles.
As well as aiding delivery and absorption, malate has a critical function in the TCA (or Krebs) cycle, which produces energy in the mitochondria. Specific research has shown a 34% du increase in oxidative ATP levels, a 20% de increase in phosphocreatine recovery after exercise and a significant reduction in the sensation of fatigue.
- Increases growth hormone.
- Optimizes BCAA utilization during training.
- Increases muscle protein and creatine synthesis.
- Improves recovery.
Why choose 2:1 citrulline malate?
The fact is that most performance-enhancing research has been carried out on citrulline malate, not just citrulline per se. With malate, citrulline has improved the stability of the molecule and research has shown that malate can play a role in nitric oxide production. Malate plays a key role in the TCA (or tricyclic acid) cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle), which produces energy in the body. While it's true that citrulline is the true "engine" of both, and that malate is more prevalent in the body, citrulline malate 2:1 offers the best of both worlds - stability and efficacy.

Prendre 1 scoop (2 g) de malate citrulline ALLMAX [2:1] jusqu’à 3 fois par jour, au réveil et environ 45 minutes avant l’entraînement ou toute activité physique intense. Les jours sans entraînement, consommer avant les repas à jeun.
Peut être ajouté aux formules de pré-entraînement comme ACUTS et IMPACT PUMP.
Le malate citrulline est hautement synergique avec les suppléments d’arginine, de bêta-alanine et de créatine.

MALAT CITRULLINE improves training intensity, endurance and recovery speed.
It fulfils these functions through 5 main functions:
- Increases blood arginine levels (gram for gram at double the arginine level).
- Increases endothelial nitric oxide (NO) levels, thereby improving vascular function and blood flow.
- Enhances bicarbonate reabsorption by the kidneys, providing a powerful buffer against increased muscle acidification during intense training.
- Detoxifies fatigued muscle tissue by eliminating ammonia (a toxin which can increase 3-fold during intense training).
- Rapidly replenishes PCr (phospho-creatine) reserves, PCr being a key energy store used by muscles.
As well as aiding delivery and absorption, malate has a critical function in the TCA (or Krebs) cycle, which produces energy in the mitochondria. Specific research has shown a 34% du increase in oxidative ATP levels, a 20% de increase in phosphocreatine recovery after exercise and a significant reduction in the sensation of fatigue.
- Increases growth hormone.
- Optimizes BCAA utilization during training.
- Increases muscle protein and creatine synthesis.
- Improves recovery.
Why choose 2:1 citrulline malate?
The fact is that most performance-enhancing research has been carried out on citrulline malate, not just citrulline per se. With malate, citrulline has improved the stability of the molecule and research has shown that malate can play a role in nitric oxide production. Malate plays a key role in the TCA (or tricyclic acid) cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle), which produces energy in the body. While it's true that citrulline is the true "engine" of both, and that malate is more prevalent in the body, citrulline malate 2:1 offers the best of both worlds - stability and efficacy.