Le Guide 101 de la Créatine : Tout ce que vous devez savoir !

Creatine 101: Everything you need to know!

Mar 28, 2024Félix Daigle

When you embark on a training or fitness program, it's natural to want to maximize your results. Creatine, a widely studied and safe supplement, can play an interesting role in your muscle recovery and therefore your physical results! Bonus: recent studies even suggest that it may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

What is creatine's main function?

A little science 101! Creatine plays a crucial role in rapid energy production, particularly during high-intensity, short-duration activities such as weight training or explosive exercise. It works by supplying ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main source of cellular energy, enabling muscles to function optimally. To put it simply, during training, your body loses phosphate, a compound essential for muscular performance. Creatine intervenes by restoring phosphate, thus promoting faster muscle recovery.

It also increases intramuscular water retention. A well-hydrated muscle is a stronger muscle! The size of a muscle's cross-section is directly correlated with its strength. In other words, a bigger muscle is more likely to be stronger. Good news!

When and how to take creatine?

Creatine can be taken at any time of day. There's no need for loading or unloading phases (i.e. varying the amount of product consumed over X periods of time). Personally, I prefer to take it during training to maximize its effects.

Some studies suggest that creatine may be better absorbed with glucose, so combining the two could be beneficial! So I generally consume it with EAA and fast carbs while training.

It's perfectly acceptable to mix creatine with other supplements, like your protein shake or whatever.

Finally, how much to consume? Here's a simple formula I like to apply for my clients:

Recommended dosage:

- Under 200 pounds: 5 grams

- Over 200 pounds: 10 grams

What kind of creatine should I choose?

Creatine monohydrate is widely regarded as safe and well tolerated. This is why it has become one of the most recommended and widely used forms of creatine in the field. So it's the one I normally favor.

Remember, creatine isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, but it can play an interesting role for many people. Before incorporating this or any other supplement into your regimen, always consult a healthcare professional to make sure it's right for your individual situation.


While creatine is generally safe, it can skew certain markers in blood tests and indicate an increased amount of creatine in the blood. So be sure to stop taking creatine one to two weeks before a blood test, and inform your doctor.

On that note, happy training!

Félix Daigle, Shop Santé Ambassador

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